Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Good Evening,
It seems Ive hit a plateau with my weight loss. First, it was vacation. I was not surprised there. I expected to gain AND I did. However, I did manage to lose most of what I gained. Then my hubby had a health scare(he is fine) and between all the tests and drs appts, I emotionally ate. I started to get back in control and NOW the a/c is out. So, the first few days, we either ordered out or hubby grabbed take out. I mean who wants to COOK when you dont have air. Well, thats getting expensive so I WILL cook tonight. Let me say that the condo is NOT miserably hot but its not as cool as I like it. I have the ceiling fan on plus a small desk fan blowing directly on me. Im drinking plenty and wearing very little. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next day or two. I said all that to say I have not been on plan. Im up/down the same 10lbs. I was hoping to hit my goal of down 50lbs by August 1st but it doesnt look like that is going to happen. Its so hard breaking old habits. Im disappointed that I ate through my emotions. I know this will be a life long journey. Some days I suceed and some days I dont. But, I am determined to never give up. I will continue to strive to better health and better life.




  Hello, I am posting this for accountability. From January 17th to July15th I have put on 10lbs. Some of it is lack of discipline but some ...